Společnost C-M-T

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Společnost C-M-T
Klinika dětské neurologie 2. LF UK a FN Motol
V Úvalu 84/1, 150 05 Praha 5

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Mgr. Michal Šimůnek
Ve Stromovce 713, 500 11 Hradec Králové
Tel.: 605 258 522, 724 330 798
E-mail: simunekm@seznam.cz, c-m-t@post.cz


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…to international cooperation with italian and british CMT association 136. conference European neuromuscular centre, Naarden, the Netherlands.

Changing of experiences and a good communication between people is a base of good relationship, faster development and easier solving of problems not only in science but also in real life. When it is made on the international level, it has also character of representation of our own country in front of our european neighbours.

I was glad when I met during the conference of European neuromuscular centre in dutch Naarden a representative of italian CMT association - Mrs. Anna Detomas. I had several possibilities to talk to her during the conference and I was delighted she was very well informed about our czech CMT association. Its role has played our visit of president of italian CMT association dr. Vinci in Rome two years ago and also good contacts with profesor Pareyson from Milano.

Next interesting meeting was with the secretary of british CMT association, Mrs. Karen Butcher. She is also a CMT patient and has many personal experiences with CMT illness. She is a very active and kind lady.

Both ladies were interested in czech CMT association and wished to get a direct contact with our association, which I passed to them with pleasure. We discussed the possibility of changing information and experiences from life of CMT patients in different parts of Europe. We agreed that besides e-mail contacts (there would be a problem with english in our side) or post consigment of our CMT bulletin, information leaflets (problem is that everrything is written in czech) also personal meeting of our CMT members with representatives of Italy and Great Britain would be very interesting. They would also like to visit Czech Republic.

Their interest in contact with us was very honest and I found it as a motivation to next activities in CMT. I think there are many people in our CMT association who are able to communicate in english (it´s possible to write and talk english to italian CMT secretary Mrs. Anna Detomas as she can translate to few languages).

With their agreement I pass their e-mail contacts to CMT asociation.

In my opinion it´s a very interesting occassion which should be used.

autor: As. MUDr. Mazanec Radim, Ph.D.
vydáno: 20. 11. 2005
přečteno: 5132 krát


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