Společnost C-M-T

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Sídlo spolku
Společnost C-M-T
Klinika dětské neurologie 2. LF UK a FN Motol
V Úvalu 84/1, 150 05 Praha 5

Společnost C-M-T je zapsána ve spolkovém rejstříku, vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze v oddílu L, vložka 10085.

IČ: 69346909

Bankovní spojení
Poštovní spořitelna, a.s.
Č. ú.: 156897053/0300

Kontaktní adresa
Předseda Společnosti C-M-T
Mgr. Michal Šimůnek
Ve Stromovce 713, 500 11 Hradec Králové
Tel.: 605 258 522, 724 330 798
E-mail: simunekm@seznam.cz, c-m-t@post.cz


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Sources of financing CMT association

CMT association has been financing from few sources: from the benefits of its members, sponsor gifts (from people and companies) and grants. For the second year we are using the donation from the sources of Ministry of health of Czech Republic and for the first year also the donation from Ministry of labour. These finances cover an important part of our needs.

Same as every year, we will request donation (for some projects). Due to this fact, we are asking you to cooperate by definiting needs of our association and by making the projects. We will aim on three sources of financing (if you find another source, please, let us know, we will be pleased).

1. Sources of Ministry of health of Czech Republic

Ministry of health of Czech Republic (MH CZ) gives contribution to issue Bulletin CMT and Střípky. We are going to change extend, quality and quantity till year 2006.

The second contribution is donation to weekend meeting of CMT members. For few times we have had the meeting in Velké Losiny with success. We are planning to organize another weekend meeting next year, this time in a different place. To organize the project we would appreciate your suggestion. Send us your ideas of meeting place (concrete place, including accomodation, catering and activities for the weekend). Also, let us know what would you like to change during the meeting, what should be added, cancelled,…

MH CZ gives finances for other projects too. We would like to hear from you, what other projects we should work on, what you, members, also need - you can find the list of application forms and already approved projects by MH CZ on www.mzcr.cz. Please, have a look and send your ideas. You definitelly will not forget to ask for finances to create and actualize our internet sides.

Deadline: Final version of projects is given to MH CZ during September 2005, please, send your ideas (to chairman Mr. Jan Zajíc or vice chairman Mrs. Blanka Klouzalová) till end of August 2005.

2. Sources of Ministry of labour Czech Republic

Ministry of labour Czech Republic gives contribution to operating costs of our association, which cover telephone costs, travel costs, printing and so on. We also await proposal to next projects - you can find the list of projects (request for donation) on internet sides www.mpsv.cz.

Deadline: Final version of projects is given to MH CZ during September 2005, please, send your ideas (to chairman Mr. Jan Zajíc or vice chairman Mrs. Blanka Klouzalová) till end of August 2005.

3. Help the kids (Kuře s kruhem = chicken with a circle)

Project Help the kids is a long term national collection of Czech TV and Foundation of development of civilian community. This project supports threatened children (up to 18 years) living in Czech Republic. Money is sent to the account and afterwards used for some projects for children. Almost 12 millions were collected this year.

Finances will be divided in a public tender.

Project Help the kids definited basics aims, which are:
- Improved quality of life of children
- Same opportunities for all the kids
- Living in a good family or alternative familiar models

As every association we can make one project (request). Tell us about the needs of your kids, we could try to solve those needs through finances from account Help the kids. Have a look at internet sides www.pomoztedetem.cz, where you can see the list of requests from last couple of years.

autor: Folvarský Roman
vydáno: 21. 11. 2005, zdroj: Společnost C-M-T
přečteno: 4732 krát


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