Společnost C-M-T

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Společnost C-M-T
Klinika dětské neurologie 2. LF UK a FN Motol
V Úvalu 84/1, 150 05 Praha 5

Společnost C-M-T je zapsána ve spolkovém rejstříku, vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze v oddílu L, vložka 10085.

IČ: 69346909

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Kontaktní adresa
Předseda Společnosti C-M-T
Mgr. Michal Šimůnek
Ve Stromovce 713, 500 11 Hradec Králové
Tel.: 605 258 522, 724 330 798
E-mail: simunekm@seznam.cz, c-m-t@post.cz


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CMT United Kingdom New Website launched

CMT United Kingdom is proud to announce the launch of its brand new and dramatically improved website. Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease is the most commonly inherited neurological condition, affecting approximately 1 in 2500 of the population. The new website includes a vastly increased library of information to help people living with this condition.

Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, is named after the three doctors who discovered the condition in the 1880s. It is also known as Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy. It affects the peripheral nervous system that control movement and sensation in the arms and legs. The conductive ability of these nerves gradually deteriorates, making fine movement in the hands and feet more difficult and resulting in muscle weakness. As the condition progresses, it causes a wide variety of problems, which sometimes results in a significant disability.

The website has been constructed with the help of Resonant Media Ltd and the Trustees are now able to update the website on a daily, or even hourly, basis if required, helping improve services and information provided not only to members, through a new members' area, but also to professionals and the wider public. The site can also accept online memberships, donations, and even boasts a small online shop.

For more information on CMT United Kingdom, Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease and much more, please visit www.cmt.org.uk.

For more information please contact

Karen Butcher
Secretary, CMT United Kingdom
Email address: secretary@cmt.org.uk

Notes to editors

1. CMT United Kingdom is the national support group, dedicated to improving the lives of people with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (CMT). We provide a service of support, advice and information to people affected by the condition, their families, carers and medical professionals.

2. Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease is a hereditary, neurological disorder, affecting the nerves to the arms and legs. This nerve damage leads to wasting of the muscles in the feet, ankles, legs, fingers, hands and arms, leading to problems with mobility, which can be severe, and difficulties with hand use. It is slowly progressive, and it is rare for people affected by CMT to lose the ability to walk completely.
The symptoms and severity even within a single family can be vary greatly. At present, there is no cure or treatment other than careful management of the condition. It is not life threatening, but in rare cases, can lead to breathing difficulties which require specialised management in order to prevent complications.
CMT affects approximately 1 in 2500 of the population, across all ethnic barriers, which makes it the most common inherited neurological condition. It is also known as Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy, or Peroneal Muscular Atrophy. Research is being undertaken all over Europe and North America to try to
a) identify all the genetic components of CMT and ultimately
b) find a way to modify these genetic defects in order to provide a viable treatment or even cure for this condition.

3. For further information on Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, please visit www.cmt.org.uk or phone 0870 7744314 between 9.30am and 3pm, Monday to Friday

4. CMT United Kingdom is run entirely by volunteers and is reliant upon the generosity of its supporters for all income.

PO Box 5089, Christchurch, BH23 7ZX
Charity No: 1112370 Company Limited by guarantee in England & Wales No: 05574584

autor: Butcher Karen
vydáno: 14. 01. 2006, zdroj: www.cmt.org.uk
přečteno: 5469 krát


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