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Canadian Researchers Revolutionize DNA Testing

A Université Laval research team has demonstrated the effectiveness of a new, simple, and inexpensive method that revolutionizes the way DNA testing is conducted. Supervised by Mario Leclerc and Denis Boudreau from Université Laval's Faculty of Sciences and Engineering, the team presented their innovative approach in a recent issue of the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

This new method of DNA testing is called Fluorescence Chain Reaction (FCR). It only needs a few molecules of DNA to be effective, unlike most current methods that usually require complex and delicate DNA amplification.

The FCR method is inexpensive, doesn't require complex DNA preparation or highly trained technicians to be performed, and gives results in five minutes.

FCR testing can be applied in genetic disease screening for CMT and other hereditary neuropathies. In addition, this testing could be effectively used in Third World countries since it doesn't require highly trained professionals or expensive equipment. This would allow for a larger population to be tested for CMT and receive education about inherited neuropathies. With greater numbers of persons KNOWN to have CMT worldwide, research funding is much more likely to increase.

FCR creates a probe matching a DNA sequence specific to a disease such as CMT. This probe is then immersed in a solution containing DNA extracts and a colored polymer. "When the probe and the DNA match, the polymer wraps itself around them, which modifies its structure and optical characteristics," explains Professor Leclerc. "When there's a lot of DNA, the change in fluorescence is visible to the naked eye.

Since the release of the article, several companies have approached Professors Leclerc and Boudreau. "Our invention is protected by a patent and we prefer to give out licenses on a case-by-case basis for specific projects. Such projects could be announced within a few months," the scientists add. Imagine being tested for CMT and other hereditary neuropathies and receiving the results in the same day from your doctor!

Located in the heart of Quebec's historic capital city, Université Laval is one of Canada's leading research universities, ranking 6th among the country's 93 university-level institutions in terms of research funding, with more than $275 million devoted to research last year.

Jean-François Huppé
Media Relations Officer
Université Laval
Tel.: (418) 656-7785

autor: Jean - François Huppé
vydáno: 08. 02. 2006, zdroj: Université Laval
přečteno: 4253 krát


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