E-mail: webmaster
Milí návštěvníci stránek Společnosti C-M-T, prosíme Vás o spolupráci v rámci průzkumu vlivu nemoci CMT na kvalitu života v různých zemích EU. Jelikož jej organizuje společnost CMT ve Velké Británii, je dotazník v angličtině, ale nebojte se toho a pomocí překladače nebo angličtináře, který je ochoten pomoci, jej vyplňte. Děkujeme vám za spolupráci.
In order to help us gain some insight into your experiences of CMT for our press releases and to give some credible data that the media love so much, we've devised a survey. It's completely anonymous and will take you no time at all to complete.
It's REALLY important that we get at least 1000 responses, so as this is going to over 3000 people - we would hope that that should be easy! We would also like you to share this with anyone else you know with CMT!
The second survey is for anyone - with or without CMT - and is all about charitable giving - do you do it, what motivates you and stuff like that! Again, it's all useful data that we can use for publicity purposes
Again, it's really important that we get LOTS of responses, so please share with everyone you know!